
Preparing For The End of CJRS 'Furlough' - Employers FAQ

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What should we do when the scheme closes?

  • bring your employees back to work on their agreed terms and conditions
  • agree any changes to their terms and conditions with them
  • consider ending their employment.

To note: When making decisions about how and when to end furlough arrangements, equality and discrimination laws will apply in the usual way.

Can we claim CJRS for employees on notice periods?

No, you can’t claim CJRS grants for any days an employee is serving a contractual or statutory notice period, including notice of retirement, resignation or redundancy.

What support is available for my employees if they’re unable to bring them back to work?

Support available through the JobHelp website click here. It offers a range of support, training and advice including the Kickstart scheme and other Plan for Jobs support measures, along with advice on learning new skills and finding who’s recruiting. See also here for more information.

Normal redundancy rules and protections apply to furloughed employees – see here for more on redundancy.

What support is available to help grow my business after the CJRS has closed?

The Help to Grow scheme offers management and digital programmes to help you learn new skills and reach more customers. To register you interest, click here.

What if my we have claimed too much in error?

If you have claimed too much and have not already repaid the overclaimed amount, you can repay as part of your next online claim.

If you have claimed too much but do not plan to submit further claims, you need to let HMRC know and make a repayment online by clicking here.

You must let HMRC know and repay the money by the latest of whichever date below applies:

  • 90 days from receiving the CJRS money you’re not entitled to
  • 90 days from the point circumstances changed so you were no longer entitled to keep the CJRS grant.

You may have to pay interest and a penalty as well as repaying the excess CJRS grant if you fail to do this.

What if we haven’t claimed enough?

If you’ve received too little money, you need to amend you claim within 28‌‌ ‌calendar days after the month the claim relates to – unless this falls on a weekend or bank holiday, where the deadline is the next weekday.

Visit here for more help.


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